Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Hi everybody, 
Today's topic is infographic. This week,  we observed many tools to create something like comics, posters, infographics, and so on during our Educational Technologies class. Now my task is creating an infographic. Let's learn what infographic is first. It is a visual representation of information or data. I created an infographic about my favorite web 2.0 tools. I wrote their affordances and constraints. They are PadletYouTube and Wikipedia. I used Canva to create my infographic. You can click here to see the page. I hope you enjoy the topic. Have a nice day.. :)
Here is the Infographic;


Hi everybody,
 Today's task is creating a movie poster. I chose one of my favorite book Lord of The Flies. Then I created a poster as if it is adopted to a movie and I am responsible for its advertising. I found quotes from the book. I added them to my poster. I wrote writer's name as a director and also myself as a producer.  I use Canva to create my poster. You can use Canva for many goals. It is a great way to create posters, Instagram posts and stories and so on. I highly recommend you to see the page. I hope you enjoy the topic. Have a nice day.. :)
 Here is the poster;

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Digital Storytelling

Hi everybody!
 Today's topic is digital storytelling.It is another wonderful and enjoyable way to learn second language. The teacher can simply choose an easy topic and tell students to create a story about this topic. Then, the teacher should find the necessary websites to turn them a digital story. He/she may want help from technology teachers.
 I created a digital story with my friend Orçun for my Educational Technologies class. The story is about a girl who lost her exam paper. It is a story for childeren. I hope you enjoy it. Have a nice day..:)
Here is our video;


Monday, December 2, 2019

Internet-based Project

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  Hi everybody! Today's topic is internet-based project. We learn how to make an internet-based project in language classes. It is an enjoyable way to improve our student's English. However, we need to be careful about something. For instance, It is important to give students the pages that  they should use. Because we are going to be a teacher of lower English level student generally. They will  probably not find the proper pages. We should also give the website that they are going to work on.
  We have an internet-based project for this week for Educational Technologies class. My friends and I creat a KWL chart on Padlet. Our topic is gender inequality in language. There are many languages, but we cannot have evaluated all languages, so we choose one of them which is English. I knew that there are many marked terms in English language, however; I didn't know the exact words, how many words there are, and why they are the reason of inequality. I researched about these topics. Then I add the information to the wall. Click here to see our KWL chart. I hope you all enjoy the topic. Have a nice day... :)

Padlet ile yapıldı