Sunday, June 20, 2021



Hello everybody! As I said in my previous post, we come to an end of this course. This was a great but really challenging course. I tried so hard to create the tasks. I know, they were not perfect but I believe that they helped me a lot to improve myself. I learned many new information. I had never heard about many of the tasks before I took this course. Now, they all are a great option to use in my future classes. The only problem is finding proper tools to create our tasks. But technology is improving so quickly, and we must follow it.

    I want to thank my instructor for a lot for priceless techniques, ways, methods and materials. I will never forget them. 

I wish all of you health and happiness. 




    Hello everybody! I am here to introduce you our last task for Material Design in ELT course. The task is creating a webquest for our students. I want to explain first what webquest is. It is a tool to create technology integrated assignments for your students. You need to provide all of the necessary documents, tools and links in your webquest. There are 5 main part of a webquest: introduction, task, process, evaluation, and conclusion. The most detailed one is the process stage as you provide all of the steps, links, tools etc. There are also some benefits of webquest, which are supporting critical thinking skill through analyzing, creating and evaluating,integrating technology into learning, and developing collaborative learning.    
    In our task, my teammates were Hazal and Zeynep. We used a state school book which is for high school preparatory class students. There was a project named after "Create your sport magazine" at the end of unit 15. We change it as "Create your digital sport magazine". Students are supposed to be magazinist and applied for a job. They need to create a digital magazine to show their project. We used QuestGarden to create webquest. However, there is not a collaborative working option (at least we couldn't achieve). So, we created a Word document. Then, we copied and pasted them to QuestGarden. You can see our webquest by clicking here. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Augmented Reality - Explore Rome!


    Hi everybody! Today, I am going to introduce you a wonderful material to use in your classes; AUGMENTED REALITY. Augmented reality (AR) is a link between real world and digital world. It is a recent technology and it is still being improved.So, you might have some problems while finding or using applications, however; there are some tools to use it. Finding a proper application was the most challenging part of this task, but this worth it! When you find an application, it is really simple and awesome. You will find pictures and videos or 3D pictures. Then, you need to match them each other. That is all! After that, enjoy watching and exploring something. 
    We created a task for our students to explore Rome with my friends Hazal and Zeynep. We used UniteAR and Canva to create our task. Students are going to use UniteAR to scan and to see the pictures or to watch the videos. Then, they are going to answer the questions. At the end of the task, they are going to write an e-mail to one of their friends who wants to visit Rome. They are going to make some recommendation about where to go, what to see, and what to eat. You can see our handout by clicking here.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Flipped Classroom- Grammar Teaching Video

Hi everbody! As I shared before, we learned many things about flipped classroom. If you haven't read my post about flipped classroom you can read it by clicking here. Let's remember what flipped classroom is. Flipped classroom means "Do what you do in class at home, and do what you do at home in class.". As you remember,we prepared a vocabulary teaching video with my friends in previous post. Now, we prepared a grammar teaching video about "must" and "have to" for high school students at state schools preperatory class with my friends Bilge and Hazal. We used "Animaker" to create the video like vocabulary teaching video. However, at the very beginning,we didn't want to use it, as it is not as professional as other tools. We couldn't find how to work on a video colloboratively in Moovly and Pawtoon so we prefered Animaker again. (If you want to create your own video, you may have a look at other tools.) This time it wasn't as challenging as the previous video, as we understand how to use the tool. But, the biggest challenge was that how to put the sentences while we are speaking. Then, my friend Hazal found it. Also, we created an activity to practice the rules. We used Wordwall to create our activity. Students are going to choose the correct option to fill in the blanks You can watch our video by clicking here and you can see our activity by clicking here.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Flip the Classroom!


Hello everybody! I hope you are healthy. I want to explain you the topic that we have been learning in our Material Design in ELT class. It is "FLIPPING THE CLASSROOM". I am so excited because, I am going to use this material in my future class. There are many benefits of flipping the classroom, but first I want to tell you what flipping classroom is. We can simply explain it as do what you do at home in class and do what you do in class at home. So, you are going to have enough time to practice many grammar structures and vocabulary in the classroom. Unless we flip the classroom, we will never have enough time to practice. 

    It is time to explain our tasks for flipping the classroom. We are going to prepare 2 tasks which are about vocabulary and grammar. This time, we prepared our task for teaching new vocabulary to 5th graders at public schools. Our topic is "animals". The book wants us to teach animals in a context of animal shelter;however, there are animals such as snake, wolf and elephant. They are not suitable for this content. So, we had to change it as "ZOO". We prepared this task with my friends Hazal and Bilge. You can see our video by clicking here. And also we created a task to practice new words. You can click here to see it. Wait for flipped grammar video. It is coming very soon... See you...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Materials for language awareness


Hello everybody! I want to give you some information about language awareness tasks and corpus. As you know, anybody hasn't learned his mother language with the help of explicit teaching. S/he discovered many of the rules about language by himself. While teaching English or any language, teachers need to take it into consideration. So, teachers need to produce language awareness tasks for their students, and corpus might be helpful while they are designing their tasks. Let's talk about what corpus is. Corpus is a collection of linguistic data of written texts or transcription of recorded speech.  It provides the data from which learners discover patterns for themselves. There are many website you can find corpus like Skell, Lextutor, and Our task is creating a language awareness handout for students. Language awareness task is giving some grammar or vocabulary to explore our students and they are going to find out how to use these grammar rules or vocabulary. And we created a handout for our students with my friend Hazal. You can see our handout by clicking here. We will explain how to use Skell in the classroom. So, we didn't explain it. They are going to fill in the table with the help of corpus and discover the rules. Then, they will practice it with the help of the activities that are from controlled to semi-controlled.